China Economy: Economic growth in the first quarter exceeds expectations
Consumer spending is one of the main drivers of China"s economy. So there was much interest both at home and abroad as to whether it would return to pre-pandemic levels once COVID restrictions were halted. Our reporter GUO TIANQI visited a village in southwest China"s Sichuan Province popular for its cherries to learn more.
Cherries in Sichuan are a delicacy especially in Spring. The 260 hectares of cherries in the Diaoqing Community of Meishan make the small village a tourist hotspot this time of the year.
GUO TIANQI Diaoqing Community, Meishan "Two months after the cherry blossoms finished blooming, the trees are now brimming with ruby-colored cherries. Here, visitors may participate in the joy of harvest and try organic cherries right from the field."
Villagers here have been growing cherries for about 70 years and many different varieties have been introduced in recent years through modern farming techniques.
LIANG QUNYAN Deputy Secretary, Danqing Community Committee "A tree can produce about 50 kilograms of cherries, the better the quality, the higher the price. Cherries like this can reach 10 U.S. dollars per kilo. About 800 families in our village are growing cherries, in total, we can earn $2 million U.S. dollars a year."
吊庆社区党委副书记 梁群燕(音):“一棵树可以生产大约50公斤的樱桃,质量越好,价格越高。这样的樱桃可以卖到每公斤10美元。我们村里大约有800户人家种樱桃,一年总共能赚200万美元。”
You need to pay more if you want to pick the cherries yourself, including an entrance fee to the orchard.
But for many who wish to get closer to nature, it"s a price worth paying.
"Every spring, we come here together to pick cherries. It"s a traditional family activity. The children and the elderly are enjoying it very much."
"The cherry tastes very good this year, very sweet and soft, the price is okay, we plan to pick a few baskets."
This village is only a 90-minute drive from Chengdu.
In the first spring after the pandemic, both rural tourism and the cherry sales are very encouraging.
LIANG QUNYAN Deputy Secretary, Danqing Community Committee "There are a lot of tourists here today. The road at the entrance to our village is relatively narrow and there is some congestion."
吊庆社区党委副书记 梁群燕(音):“今天来了很多游客,我们村口的路比较窄,有些拥挤。”
Actually, many sectors of China"s economy exceeded expectations in the first quarter, including tourism, consumer spending and investment.
Experts say that the macro economy is in full recovery mode now, while consumer confidence is also warming up. GUO TIANQI, CGTN, Meishan, Sichuan Province.
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